emergency dentist

Emergency Dentist Near Me, Henderson NV

When a dental emergency arises, there is no time to waste. This is why finding the best emergency dentist near you is vital to protecting the health of your teeth and gums after injury.

When to Visit an Emergency Dentist

If your tooth is chipped or broken, the clock immediately starts ticking on getting it fixed. You need to gather pieces of the tooth and place them in a container of milk. Keep an ice pack on your cheek for the swelling. Remember, the sooner you get emergency dental treatment, the higher the chances of saving your tooth. If most of the tooth structure remains in place, your emergency dentist can usually restore the tooth with a crown and veneers, which can restore your tooth’s functionality and keep its natural look.

Emergency dentists also treat sore and swollen gums usually caused by infection from plaque and gum disease. You can rinse your gums with warm salt water to soothe the pain, but if the pain is constant and your gums bleed easily then you should see an emergency dentist. Your dentist will locate exactly where the infection is and treat it with antibiotics. If you have an abscess (pocket of pus caused by an infection), our dentist will drain the abscess, and wash the area clean. Do not try to do this yourself at home. Some patients may also need a root canal, which involves opening up the root area and cleaning out the infection inside the tooth.

Contact Your Emergency Dentist Today

If you have any of the symptoms listed above or recently chipped or cracked a tooth, it is essential for you to see a dentist right away. Contact our emergency dentist in Henderson, NV to quickly be seen and start the process to restoring your smile.


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