Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hide Teeth Stains With Porcelain Veneers In Henderson, NV

    Dental veneers are used to fill gaps between teeth, hide teeth stains, and cover teeth that may be chipped, uneven, misaligned, or oddly shaped. Dental veneers are made from porcelain or resin composite material that will match the color of your teeth. Porcelain veneers usually resist stains better than resin composite, and reflect light like…

  • Are Dental Veneers Expensive?

    Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are permanently bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance. Dental veneers are made from porcelain or resin-composite materials. Dental veneers can cover up broken, chipped or stained teeth. We use a high-tech imaging system to show you what your teeth will look like after you…

  • Get A Perfect Smile With Porcelain Veneers

    Porcelain veneers are famous in Hollywood because so many stars have perfect smiles. If you’re looking for natural-looking porcelain veneers in Los Angeles, our office will give you star treatment and a dazzling smile that you often see on TV and in movies. Porcelain veneers are very thin shells that are placed on the front…

  • Difference Between Braces & Invisalign

    Both are used to straighten teeth, which gives you a great smile and improves your dental heath. Braces are more suitable for severely crooked teeth. Invisalign is clear and less noticeable. In terms of cost, braces can be less expensive. Both can be very effective we will advise you depending on your individual case. Our…

  • Are Porcelain Veneers Treatments Painful?

    The dentist will numb the area so there is no discomfort when placing the veneers. You may feel some pressure, but a local anesthetic should eliminate any pain. The dentist will shave some of the tooth to make the surface a little rough so that the dental veneer will bond with the tooth surface. Our…

  • How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

    Dental veneers can last longer than 10 years with good hygiene such as brushing and flossing. Dental veneers are cared for just like your real teeth. There may need to be corrections made as time goes by, but dental veneers are very sturdy. If you still have questions or need more information about how long…

  • What are Porcelain Veneers in Dental Treatments

    Dental veneers are very thin shells of tooth-colored material that are bonded (attached) to the front of teeth to improve your smile. Have you ever wondered how Hollywood actors always have perfect smiles? It’s often not movie magic or special effects. For decades, actors and actresses have worn dental veneers.  Dental veneers are used to…

  • What is Orthodontics & Invisalign in Dental Treatment?

    Orthodontics are devices that straighten teeth, which gives you a great smile and improves your dental heath. Our orthodontists provide each patient with personalized, gentle care. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces.  There are many different types of braces these days: clear aligners, invisible, metal, ceramic and micro…

  • Tooth Extraction Before Dental Implant Placement | Henderson, NV

    Tooth Extraction Before Dental Implant Placement | Henderson, NV

    There are times that a tooth is damaged beyond preservation and needs to be extracted. When this occurs, your dentist will often recommend dental implant placement after the extraction in order to maintain the natural look and functionality of your smile. Dental implant placement has become one of the most trusted dental procedures for restoring…

  • Tooth Extraction FAQs | Henderson, NV

    Tooth Extraction FAQs | Henderson, NV

    If you are planning to have a tooth extracted, you may have a few questions about what to expect during your procedure. Below is a list of common questions to help you prepare for your visit; however, it is best to consult with your dentist before the procedure begins to help you understand what to…

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