Category: Cosmetic Dentist

  • Teeth Whitening Dentist Henderson

    Coffee, tea and red wine have color pigments (chromogens) that can stain your teeth. Tobacco is not good for your lungs, or your teeth. Tobacco contains tar (naturally dark) and nicotine, which turns into a yellowish substance. Over time, the enamel layer gets thinner, and more of your dentin (softer, darker area below the enamel)…

  • Aesthetic Bonding Dentist In Nevada

    What is Dental Bonding? Most are confused as to what dental bonding entails. Dental bonding is an affordable way to correct small perfections that exist on your teeth. Think of dental bonding as a simplified version of dental veneers or dental crowns. These two options provide more durability than dental bonding, but bonding is still used…

  • Veneers Cosmetic Treatment In Henderson

    Are you a good candidate for veneers cosmetic treatment in Henderson? Veneers are an effective and affordable cosmetic treatment to improve your smile. Veneers are very thin shells that are cemented on the front of teeth to cover up chips or cracks. Veneers can whiten your teeth, change the shape of your teeth, close gaps,…

  • Veneers Cosmetic Dentist In Henderson, NV

    A beautiful smile projects natural beauty, self-confidence, and high personal esteem. However, most people are not born with naturally perfect teeth. The good news is that cosmetic dentistry is no longer just a luxury for Hollywood celebrities and the wealthy. At our office, a healthy and attractive smile is within most everyone’s financial reach. Our…